Process Of Repertorization| Healthpathy

Process of Repertorization| Healthpathy

Process of Repertorization:- Process of Repertorization| Healthpathy The process of repertorization is a decency grant of the interdependent meaning procedure followed to get a simillimum order group similar medicine in a given case with the help of repertory. Whether we use old or new methods the basic logical processes are involved. They are as – […]

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Techniques of Repertorization| Healthpathy

Techniques of Repertorization| Healthpathy

Techniques of Repertorization:- It simply means various ways of working out of the case with the help of a repertory, which has been developed through knowledge, skill, and experience. Techniques of Repertorization| Healthpathy Old Method:- Using plain paper sheet:-  In this method rubrics are arraTechniques of Repertorization| Healthpathynged according to the hierarchy and medicines are […]

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Methods of Repertorization| Healthpathy

Methods of Repertorization| Healthpathy The selection of the repertory depends upon the case at hand. Every repertory follows its own philosophy and construction suitable for different types of cases. For the selection of a suitable repertory for a case, one must have knowledge about different types of repertories. Methods of Repertorization| Healthpathy As per the […]

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Necrosis: Pathology, Types & Causes- Healthpathy

Necrosis It is defined as a localized area of dead tissue followed by degradation of tissue by hydrolytic enzymes liberated from dead cells, it is invariably accomplished by an inflammatory reaction. Necrosis: Pathology, Types & Causes- Healthpathy Etiology: Necrosis caused by various agents- Hypoxia:- most common and it is due to the reduced supply of […]

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ANOREXIA NERVOSA Anorexia Nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder. It is characterized by abnormally low body weight and fear of gaining weight. It can be treated by homeopathic medicine very easily. As in homeopathy, we consider the patient as a whole entity and treat them likewise. Here are some ANOREXIA NERVOSA TOP HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE that […]

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